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Story and team


Decameal was started by Happylan Natkunarajah and Leander Hessner. Both founders are biologists, with a specialization in management and ecology of aquatic ecosystems, and with a huge passion for our oceans.



Happylan is head of production development and handles most of the new production methods and testing. Leander is head of administration, communications and out-reach, and handles all contact with investors, partners, and customers. In late 2023, the two biologists met Mikkel Kongsfelt, and was lucky enough to attract him as Decameals third co-founder. Mikkel is in charge of fundraising, investments, IP, and legal, and brings enormous competencies and experience to the founder team.

Decameal was started through a course in “Bio-entrepreneurship” at Aarhus University in 2020, where the initial idea was hatched.  Ever since the two original founders graduated in 2021, the teams has been working around to clock to make Decameal a reality. The hard work has resulted in soft funding from both Fonden for entreprenørskab, Food & Biocluster Denmark, Innovationsfonden, AgriFoodTure and many more.


In November 2022, Decameal received an "Innofounder" from Innovationsfonden, that enabled both original founders to work full-time. 
In 2024 and 2025, Decameal is funded by the AgriFoodTure grant, that has awarded 4,2 mio. dkk, to build a pilot production and validate the entire value chain  - from fisherman to finished feed!


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